Đặt câu với từ "oust|ousted|ousting|ousts"

1. DaimlerChrysler said to oust CEO.

2. Collins ousts defending champion Barty in Adelaide; faces Swiatek next

3. Baister ousted as chairman of union

4. Take care that quantity does not oust quality.

5. The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds.

6. He survived numerous plots to kill or oust him.

7. They can even oust the entire board without cause.

8. Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests.

9. Their goal: to oust the federal government from Texas soil.

10. Aristide, the elected president, was ousted by rebellious soldiers.

11. They wanted to oust the communist government of Fidel Castro.

12. Synonyms for Banishes include expels, ejects, exiles, ousts, dismisses, evicts, expatriates, excludes, deports and excommunicates

13. In that context, Amotion is the ousting of an officer from his or her post in the

14. 4 The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.

15. What does Amotion mean? Removal; ousting, especially, of a corporate officer from office

16. The emir, now ousted his father in 1995 in a coup.

17. Netanyahu challenged Sharon for the leadership of the Likud party, but failed to oust Sharon.

18. Don't try to outshine others. They can oust you from office , mind you.

19. Synonyms for Blackballing include barring, banning, blacklisting, debarring, excluding, expelling, ostracising, ostracizing, ousting and removing

20. This government was ousted in a military coup on January 27, 1996.

21. Bakk was ousted Saturday in favor of Twin Cities metro-area Sen

22. (Revelation 9:3-19) It provides the death stroke in ousting a ruinous human society and its rulers.

23. In 1993, the LDP was ousted by a coalition led by Morihiro Hosokawa.

24. A unified ideological level is mainly attributed to " oust others doctrines , the overwhelming Confucianism. "

25. Synonyms for Cashiering include ejection, discharge, dismissal, removal, expulsion, firing, sacking, lay-off, notice and ousting

26. 23 The champions were defeated by Arsenal and ousted from the League Cup.

27. ‘Another Kind Of Insurrection’: Trump Castigated For Scheme With DOJ Lawyer To Oust Acting AG

28. There was a really heavy little clique, the same ones that ousted the governor.

29. In November 1947 the Democrat Party cooperated with disgruntled army officers to oust the government of Thawan Thamrongnawasawat.

30. • There was a really heavy little Clique, the same ones that ousted the governor

31. As a result, co-premier Hun Sen ousted the other co-premier Norodom Ranariddh.

32. They also used this definition to oust the Jews out of their supposedly socially dominant positions.

33. This suggests that the defeat and ousting of Satan took place soon after the Kingdom’s birth in 1914.

34. In 1939 the TLC succumbed to AFL pressure and ousted CIO unions from its ranks.

35. 17 Hale was ousted from the company's main board in a big management shake-up.

36. I will depose you from your office, and you will be ousted from your position.

37. The Spanish armed forces ousted the Moroccan detachment from the tiny island early on July

38. In the post - modern ousted supreme dominance of reason, after re - start , strong their genealogy.

39. The generalised resistance caused the Soviet Union to abandon its original plan to oust the First Secretary.

40. They sought extra-parliamentary means to oust Chavalit, establish a caretaker government and hold a new election.

41. ROBERT MUGABE appears once again to have wrong - footedvt those who have been trying to oust him.

42. He subsequently launched a popular reformasi ( reform ) movement aiming to oust Mahathir, but was ultimately unsuccessful.sentencedict .com

43. But it is clear that the mere existence of an alternative remedy does not oust judicial review.

44. In the 1860s, internal disputes in the House of Saud allowed a Rashidi/Ottoman alliance to oust them.

45. An asylum-seeker, once in a job, may be harder to oust, even if refused permission to stay.

46. Egypt 's authorities have extended the detention of ousted President Hosni Mubarak for another 15 days .

47. After a brief and unsuccessful career as a mogul, he is suddenly ousted by the bank.

48. Ousted Times Reporter Claims Editor Caved to Internal Pressure: ‘You’ve Lost the Newsroom’ By Tobias Hoonhout

49. In a closely held company, the manager is hard to oust because he owns most of the firm.

50. Gustav ousted Jews from the organization and disbanded the board, establishing himself as the sole-decision maker.

51. In 1996 Suharto attempted to have her ousted because he feared that she was becoming too powerful.

52. Drabinsky allied Cineplex with American communications giant MCA, but by 1989 he was ousted from the company.

53. Aten became Aten-Ra for a mere twinkle, until Amun nipped in to oust him altogether as Amun-Ra

54. Khruschev's half-hearted attempt to oust Dej in 1957 encouraged him to look for allies to counter Soviet influence.

55. 'Astonishingly Improper': What Lawyers Are Saying About Reported Trump Scheme to Oust Acting US Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, then acting …

56. According to an 1876 edition of the magazine Philatelist, timbromania was the earlier word that Herpin was attempting to oust.

57. It ousted Mr Stempel as chairman of the board's executive committee which effectively runs the company between monthly board meetings.

58. The October Revolution ousted the provisional government, making the Congress of Soviets the sole, and supreme governing body.

59. Cronus seized power from his father, the sky god Uranus, and was later ousted by his own children.

60. It began with the Agrarian Law of 30 June 19 which ruthlessly ousted landed proprietors and rich peasants.

61. 18 Today the new Little People, those who dance nightly on the television screen, have ousted the old.

62. September 12: The pro-Western monarch of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, is ousted by a Marxist military junta known as the Derg.

63. When the Pisans subsequently ousted the Genoese from Sardinia, a new conflict and rivalry was born between the two maritime republics.

64. Not only he Aggressed against a sovereign state, but he also ousted its regime and occupied it for years

65. A year later, it bloodily ousted Fatah from the Gaza Strip, the smaller chunk of a proposed Palestinian state.

66. Previous understanding: Gog of Magog is a prophetic name that applies to Satan after he was ousted from the heavens.

67. When she was ousted from the Communist Party she moved to Europe and worked as a journalist during the war.

68. Critics fear money will oust quality Georgina Henry reports on doubts over programme standards, public service obligations and controls on ownership.

69. During her absence the SLMP had split into two factions during this time and had ousted her from its leadership.

70. 16 The trouble is linked to turmoil that culminated in the coup d'etat that ousted President Marc Ravalomanana last week.

71. The revolution began in July 1953 and finally ousted Batista on 1 January 1959, replacing his government with Castro's revolutionary state.

72. But having driven through this sleepy Cambridgeshire backwater this week, I sincerely hope they were ousted from office and then shot.

73. Pattison won and ousted CEO Jim Shepherd over Canfor's poor performance and declining share price, replacing him for the interim with Jim Shepard.

74. Acting to halt 'leftist excesses', a junta composed of two army officers and four civilians takes over El Salvador, ousting another junta that had ruled for three months.

75. Both male and female lions may be ousted from prides to become nomads, although most females usually remain with their birth pride.

76. 12 For many of Gadhafi's supporters, the military operation to oust him was another example of the Western interference and neocolonialism that he railed against.

77. The Aymara are one of the largest indigenous groups in Bolivia (recently ousted president Evo Morales is a member) but they’ve long been discriminated against.

78. In that context, Amotion is the ousting of an officer from his or her post in the corporation prior to the end of the term for which the officer was

79. As a reward for ousting the Chinese from Urga, the Bogd Khan granted Ungern the high hereditary title darkhan khoshoi chin wang in the degree of khan, and other privileges.

80. Thousands of red-shirted anti-government demonstrators converged on the Thai capital Saturday, vowing to oust the government in a mass do-or-die display of muscle, AP reported.